

Powerful, yet economical p2p solutions for your applications.


Welcome to the d3 organization! We are excited to introduce you to our two main software offerings: Airlock and Moonbase.


Airlock is a powerful security solution that provides seamless access control for your applications. With Airlock, you can easily manage user authentication, authorization, and session management. It's designed to be flexible, scalable, and highly customizable to meet your specific needs.


Moonbase is the process manager for the Libp2p, IPFS, OrbitDb stack. It simplifies the management and interaction with various processes in this stack. With Moonbase, you can quickly spin up OrbitDb databases and easily interact with them through a simple API. It's a great tool for developers working with decentralized applications and distributed systems.


We welcome contributions from the community to make our software even better. If you're interested in contributing to d3, here's how you can get started:

  1. Fork the repository on GitHub.
  2. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
  3. Make your changes and commit them with descriptive messages.
  4. Push your changes to your forked repository.
  5. Submit a pull request to the main repository.

We appreciate all contributions, whether it's bug fixes, feature enhancements, or documentation improvements. Together, we can build amazing software!


Here's a glimpse of our development roadmap for the future:

  • Enhance Airlock's authentication capabilities with support for multi-factor authentication, DIDs, Verifiable Credentials, and more.
  • Improve Moonbase's performance and scalability to handle larger datasets, seamless backup and restore, IPFS pinning, IPNS, and more.
  • Integrate additional modules and plugins to extend the functionality of both Airlock and Moonbase.
  • Continuously refine and optimize the developer experience based on community feedback.

Stay tuned for exciting updates as we continue to evolve and grow!

Thank you for your interest in d3. We hope you find our software useful and valuable for your projects.

Need A Solutions Provider?

If you need professional assistance with integrating Airlock or Moonbase into your applications, our team is here to help. We offer consulting, training, and support services to ensure a smooth and successful implementation. Our software is open source, but we also provide enterprise-grade solutions and services to meet your specific requirements.

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